The police at the 2021 winter markets

Within the framework of its missions of general surveillance of the territory and of prevention and repression of offences, the Police will be present, as every year, at the winter markets in the capital and throughout the country.

The Police will be visibly present on and around the markets, especially in Luxembourg-City near the Place de la Constitution and the Place d'Armes, places that traditionally welcome many visitors. The officers will carry out regular prevention and security patrols, especially during peak hours. In case of need, visitors to the markets will be able to contact the officers directly.

In other cities, such as Esch/Alzette, where a large winter market is also taking place, regular preventive patrols are planned.

Throughout the country, the Police are in contact with the organizers of the events and markets around the end of the year celebrations, respectively with the local communal authorities to take the necessary security measures.

In all cases, the Police remains vigilant and displays an appropriate presence. The police presence is defined according to our risk evaluation and the situation.

Call for vigilance on the part of visitors

As with all festivities that attract large numbers of visitors, the markets are likely to attract dishonest people. The police urge people to report any suspicious objects or people to the officers on site or to the emergency number 113 and to follow instructions. In addition, we ask visitors not to leave their handbags or backpacks unattended and to watch out for pickpockets.

Here are some practical tips for the public:

  • Be careful when you find yourself in a crowd (e.g. in queues).
  • Keep your wallet in the inside pocket of your jacket, as this is less easily accessible to thieves than other pockets.
  • Be careful around cash machines and when paying: don't be distracted and ask the people around you to keep their distance.
  • Avoid letting others see the contents of your wallet.
  • As a general rule, only carry the amount of money or bank cards you really need.
  • Lock your handbag between your arm and your body by turning the opening inwards.
  • Never take your eyes off your handbag.
  • Avoid physical contact with people you don't know. Trickster thieves try to approach their victims by jostling them or through dancing movements, in order to rob them of their wallet or mobile phone.

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