Road safety is a high priority for the Police. Police traffic checks are carried out solely for road safety purposes. The places where checks are carried out - for both drink driving and speeding - are deliberately chosen for this purpose.
The Police's approach is based on a good balance between prevention and repression.
On the repression side, the intention is to sanction dangerous behaviour. speeding, drink driving, distracted driving, etc. Repressive surveillance takes the form of police checks, during the daytime and at night, in places identified as particularly dangerous or risky.
The prevention strategy is based on a regular, clearly visible, dissuasive police presence at the roadside and on awareness-raising campaigns on themes useful to the fight against dangerous behaviour.
Below we provide some advice for different types of road users. In this context, we would remind you that traffic law provides for obligations for every category of user. Accident prevention is based on mutual respect. The public highway is a space that belongs to no-one in particular. All road users – pedestrians, bus, car or lorry drivers and cyclists – must share the space available to them whilst respecting other users.