Regarding Police Lëtzebuerg information and communications platforms:
General terms and conditions of use of the site
Any person using information, documents, products, software and/or services (hereinafter collectively referred to as the 'Services') offered by this website shall be deemed to be aware of, and to have accepted, all the provisions of these general terms and conditions of use.
'Body' designates the public authority, ministry, administration or other public body which, either alone or jointly with others, are responsible for this site.
Obligations incumbent on the user
The site is accessed via the Internet. The user declares that they are aware of the risks involved and that they accept those risks. They must guard against the effects of computer hacking by adopting a suitable and secure computer configuration.
The State of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg cannot accept any liability for any damage the user may suffer, directly or indirectly, in connection with browsing this site or using the services it offers, or from accessing any of the websites to which it links.
There is no charge for using the site.
This site uses cookies, which are small text files used to analyse information related to the user's browsing activities (frequency of visits, duration of visits, pages visited, etc.).
They are stored by the site in a directory on the user's computer. A cookie contains the name of the server that created it, an identifier in the form of a unique number and an expiry date. The unique identifier allows the website to 'remember' the user's computer whenever they visit the website. Session cookies are deleted from the user's computer when the session is closed. However, persistent cookies remain on the user's computer for one month after the end of the session.
The user can decide whether or not to allow the website to store cookies on their computer. They can change their browser settings at any time to prevent cookies from being accepted and stored. The user can also delete all previously stored cookies at any time, using their browser (see Cookies Charter)
If the user opts to refuse cookies from this website, some features may not work as expected or may be disabled. Hence, it is recommended that users update their browser settings to accept cookies from the website.
The State of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg reserves the freedom to update, alter or suspend the site, without prior notice, for maintenance or updating operations, or for any other reason deemed necessary.
In particular, the State of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg may, at any time, withdraw, add to, supplement or clarify all or any part of the information and services contained in, or offered on, the site. The State of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg cannot be held liable for any loss or damage whatsoever, whether direct or indirect, in connection with any such changes.
General limitations of liability
The State of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg shall make its best effort to ensure optimal availability of the site. However, it cannot be held liable should the website become temporarily or totally unavailable.
The State of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg shall make its best effort to ensure the security of the information system.
The State of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg shall make its best effort to ensure optimal availability of the site.
The State of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg shall make its best effort to ensure the security of the information system. However, it cannot be held liable should the information system be attacked or the website become temporarily or totally unavailable.
The State of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg shall make its best effort to ensure the accuracy of the information provided by the site and published on the social networks. However, it cannot be held liable for any omissions in connection with the updating of information or forms, errors in the use of the system, coding errors, inaccuracies, gaps in the information provided, or any errors or inaccuracies. Indeed, while the aim is to disseminate accurate, up-to-date information from a range of sources, the State of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg is not immune to the danger of hardware errors. None of the information published on this site should be considered as exhaustive or as constituting a commitment on the part of the State of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. Explanations in layman's terms and translations are provided solely for information purposes. Only legal texts published in the Mémorial (Official Journal of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg) shall be deemed authoritative. The information appearing on this site is of a general nature. It is not tailored to personal or specific circumstances, and therefore cannot be regarded as constituting personal, professional or legal advice to the user. If the user needs personal or specific advice, they should always consult the competent departments within the different administrative bodies.
This site expressly excludes liability for any consequences, whether direct or indirect, arising from:
incompatibility between the service offered and the equipment, applications, procedures or infrastructures of the user or of any third party;
any security breaches caused by the user or a third party, and more generally any security breaches not directly attributable to the website;
any errors and/or fraudulent acts committed by the user or a third party;
any unavailability or malfunction of electronic communication systems or networks.
For users' convenience, this site may contain links to other websites which they may find useful or of interest. The State of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and more specifically the Body do not systematically check the content of these sites. Consequently, they accept no liability for the content of those websites, either in terms of the legality of such content or the accuracy of the information found there.
The site, all the elements contained therein (including the layout) and the information and services are protected by the legislation on intellectual property and copyright.
Unless otherwise stated, the State of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg does not grant any licence or authorisation with regard to the intellectual property rights it holds in respect of this site, the elements contained therein, or the services it provides. Moreover, reproduction of the information or services, either wholly or in part and in whatever form or by whatever means, is not permitted without the prior written consent of the Body.
Unless otherwise stated, users are authorised to view, download and print the available documents and information, subject to the following conditions:
the documents may only be used for personal purposes, for information and in a strictly private context;
the documents and information may not be modified in any way whatsoever;
the documents and information may not be disseminated outside or beyond the site.
The rights implicitly or expressly granted above constitute an authorisation to use the site; under no circumstances do they constitute a transfer or assignment of property rights or other rights in relation to the site.
Changes to the general terms and conditions of use
These general terms and conditions of use may be modified or supplemented at any time, without prior notice, in line with changes made to the site or changes in the law, or for any other reason deemed necessary. It is the user's responsibility to familiarise themselves with the general terms and conditions of use of the site, of which only the most up-to-date version accessible online shall be deemed to be in force. It is possible that, in the interval between two visits to the site, the general terms and conditions of use have changed, and it is therefore the user's responsibility to read through the conditions each time before using the site.
Applicable law and courts of competent jurisdiction
All disputes concerning the use of this site and its services shall be governed by Luxembourg law, and the courts of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg shall have exclusive jurisdiction to hear and settle such disputes.
Protection of personal data
The personal data communicated by the user are processed in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data.
The State of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg does not collect any personal data other than the IP addresses in the web server logs for security purposes; user consent is not required before visiting the site.
The controller for these processing operations is the Body responsible for this website.
For information, the rules relating to the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data by the Grand-Ducal Police for the purposes of the prevention, investigation, detection or prosecution of criminal offences or the execution of criminal penalties, including protection against threats to public security and the prevention of such threats, are not set out in the aforementioned Regulation (EU) 2016/679, but in the Law of 1 August 2018 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data in criminal and national security matters, which transposes Directive (EU) 2016/680 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data by competent authorities for the purposes of the prevention, investigation, detection or prosecution of criminal offences or the execution of criminal penalties, and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Council Framework Decision 2008/977/JHA.
Users can lodge complaints relating to the protection of their personal data through the various communication channels available, and directly to the controller who, in this case, is the Body responsible for this website.
For more information, please consult our legal notice relating to the protection of personal data.
Online contact form on the site
The information about you collected through the website contact form must be processed by the relevant Body in order to manage your request.
By filling in the form, you agree to your personal data being processed in the context of your request. This information is stored by the administration for as long as necessary for the purposes of the processing.
As the retention period for personal data depends on the type of request, the Body will communicate the applicable retention period, or the criteria used to determine it, on request, on a case-by-case basis.
The recipient of your data is the Body responsible for processing your request. Please contact the Body you are filing your request/application with to find out who the recipients of the data in this form are.
In accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, you are entitled to access, rectify and, where applicable, request the erasure of your personal data. You are also entitled to withdraw your consent at any time.
Additionally, unless it is mandatory to process your data, you may object to such processing for legitimate reasons.
If you wish to exercise these rights and/or obtain a record of the information held about you, please contact the relevant Body using the contact details provided on the form. You also have the option of lodging a complaint with the National Commission for Data Protection (Commission nationale pour la protection des données - CNDP), whose headquarters are located at 15, boulevard du Jazz, L-4370 Belvaux.
Processing in connection with audience measurement
Certain data relating to the users' hardware and software, which is not capable of revealing their identity, is collected when they visit the public site. The sole purpose of collecting such data is to garner statistics on website traffic (type of browser, resolution, approximate location, etc.) in order to provide users with the best possible user experience.
Under no circumstances is the user's full IP address kept. Only one part of the IP address is kept in order to obtain overall statistics, and under no circumstances is it possible to identify the user.
This data is kept and hosted in Europe in a solution provided by a subcontractor – specifically, Adobe Systems Inc. – who, as such, is subject to the same legal obligations regarding the protection of personal data, should such data be harvested in the future.
The data is kept for no longer than is necessary to observe how audiences evolve as a function of browsers, resolution settings, and other available statistical data.
The controller for these processing operations is the Body responsible for this website.
Processing in connection with online surveys
Users' data are harvested, with their permission, for the sole purposes of conducting surveys for the State's administrative bodies. In addition, technical audience-measurement data are collected at the same time.
The data is kept for the duration of the survey, plus a few weeks for the results to be statistically analysed.
These surveys are conducted directly on websites of subcontractors such as developed by Widgix Limited, based in the United States. The data are hosted in Europe. Those subcontractors are subject to the same legal obligations regarding the protection of personal data, because the surveys are carried out for or by users in the European Union.
The procedures for carrying out these surveys are such that none of the collected data permit personal identification of the user. Even by combining technical identifier data (IP address or information about the user's browser or device) and/or data harvested from multiple surveys, the subcontractor operating the platform would still be unable to personally identify the users.
The data controller and the data recipient is the Body responsible for the website, which commissioned the survey.
Protected logos and emblems
The logos and emblems of the Police grand-ducale (PGD) have been registered with the Benelux Office for Intellectual Property (BOIP). By this filing, all the distinctive signs of the PGD, including in particular the logos, emblems, insignia, slogans, posters, designs, denominations or any other element relating thereto, have been protected at the level of the BENELUX countries.
The distinctive signs are also protected by copyright laws, in particular the loi modifiée du 18 avril 2001 sur les droits d’auteurs, les droits voisins et les bases de données, as well as any provision relating to trademarks, designs and models, in particular the BENELUX Convention on intellectual property.
The determination of the emblem is covered by the règlement grand-ducal du 17 août 2018 portant 1° détermination de l’emblème, de l’uniforme et de la carte de service de la Police ; 2° modification du règlement grand-ducal du 15 février 1982 concernant les drapeaux et emblèmes militaires.
The logos and emblems belong exclusively to the Ministry of Internal Security, as well as to the PGD, and are protected by the provisions of Luxembourg criminal law against any fraudulent or non-fraudulent usurpation. Any use or reproduction in any form whatsoever therefore requires the prior agreement of these two parties.
If you have any requests or questions, please use the following email address:
Presence on social networks
Moderation policy
All users joining the website's community on social networks undertake to refrain from any form of discrimination based on race, colour, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, ethnic origin, disability, marital or employment status.
Abusive, racist, sexist or offensive comments have no place on social networks. Any such comments will be deleted and reported.
On social networks, this site communicates mainly in French. Depending on the situation and target audiences, information may be posted in the other two national languages (German and Luxembourgish) and in English.
As far as possible, replies to all questions or comments will be in the language used by the user.
Cookies Charter
We explain to you how and why we use cookies on this website, quite openly.
This site may use client-side cookies. These are small text files that are used to analyse users' browsing patterns and habits (frequency and duration of visits, pages viewed, language preferences, etc.). They are stored by the site in a directory on the user's computer. Cookies generally contain the name of the server, an identifier in the form of a unique number, and an expiry date. The unique identifier allows the website to 'remember' the user's computer whenever they visit the website.
The user can decide whether or not to allow the website to store cookies on their computer. They can change their browser settings at any time to prevent cookies from being accepted and stored. Additionally, from their browser, the user can delete any cookies that have already been stored on their computer.
If the user opts to refuse cookies from this website, some features may not work as expected or may be disabled. Hence, it is recommended that users update their browser settings to accept cookies from the website.
What are cookies and what are they used for?
Cookies are small text files that are sent through your browser by the websites you visit and saved on and/or read from the hard disk of your device (e.g. your PC, laptop or smartphone). Practically all websites use cookies to optimise performance, user experience and features.
Our cookies
We use cookies for web analytics purposes. Our cookies are set by Adobe Analytics. Adobe Analytics is a third-party product which is hosted in Europe and complies with European data protection regulations.
We use Adobe Analytics to track the number of visitors and to collect data on how they use our website (e.g. pages with the most views, visit duration, etc.).
We use this information to improve our website and to provide users with the best possible access to information.
We do not use advertising cookies.
How to disable cookies
You can disable cookies at any time.
You can delete cookies stored on your device and set your browser to refuse them using the preferences of your Internet browser.
Cookies-related browser settings can generally be found in the "Options", "Tools" or "Preferences" menu of the browser you use to access this website.
However, depending on the browser you use, the procedure for disabling cookies may be different.
For further information, see the links below:
Note that even if you prevent your browser from storing cookies on your device, you will still be able to browse this website.
If you have any questions about the Cookies Charter, please contact us using the on-line form.
Other topics:
Funds for Internal Security
Internal Security Fund
The "Internal Security Fund" (ISF) was set up for the period 2014-2020 as part of the general European "Solidarity and Management of Migration Flows" programme.
This fund will support the management of the external borders and visas, with €2.8 billion of funding being made available up to 2020. One and a half billion will go to national programmes, €791 million will support the management of migration flows at the EU's external borders, €154 million will be devoted to the Special Transit Scheme, and €264 million to EU actions, emergency aid and technical assistance.
The funds are being used to set up the infrastructure and systems necessary at border crossing points and for the surveillance of the borders. They are also funding the IT systems required for the European Border Surveillance System (EUROSUR) as well as measures to ensure effective management of migration flows, visa application processing and consular cooperation.
The total financial support package for police cooperation, preventing and combating crime, and crisis management was one billion euros for the 7 years. The main objectives of this package are crime prevention, combating cross-border, serious and organised crime (particularly terrorism), and strengthening cooperation between the enforcement authorities at national and European levels.
At national level, the management of this new fund was entrusted to the Grand-Ducal Police. It provided for a budget of approximately €7 million to be made available to Luxembourg as part of a scheme to co-fund its national multi-year internal security and external border security programme. This budget has been allocated as follows: approximately €5m for the management of the external borders and €2m for police cooperation, preventing and combating crime, and crisis management. Today, these amounts have increased considerably, especially for border management (from €5m to around €16m), and police cooperation (from €2m to €2.4m).
FE-ISF Contact
Claudia CARVAS
Tel.: (+352) 244 24 7771
Cité Policière Grand-Duc Henri
Complexe A, rue de Trèves
L-2957 Luxembourg
Further information
- Programme national du Luxembourg en vue d'un soutien financier au titre du Fonds pour la sécurité intérieure pour la période 2014-2020
- Description of the individual projects (Pdf - 621 Ko)
More information