Your Police

Availability, accountability, public service. This is the motto of Police Lëtzebuerg, reflected in the slogan on its police cars: ZESUMME FIR IECH – TOGETHER FOR YOU.

The Police currently has 59 sites and police departments across four regions. With 13 police departments operating 24/7, it provides a permanent presence covering the entire country.

The Police can be contacted in an emergency by calling the emergency number 113.

The Police is a national service in charge of internal security. It ensures individual freedoms and rights are respected and helps to protect them, by taking preventive, proactive, dissuasive and repressive measures.

The Police's general law enforcement role includes:

  • maintaining public order,
  • ensuring the law and general and communal Police regulations are implemented and respected,
  • crime prevention,
  • the protection of people and property.

The Police's crime investigation role involves, among other things:

  • investigating crimes, offences and other violations, recording them, gathering evidence, informing the judicial authorities and finding, arresting and handing over the alleged perpetrators to the judicial authorities,
  • conducting enquiries and investigative measures ordered by the judicial authorities.

About the Police

Police stations: how they work and what they do

Find a police station

Directorate-General of the Grand-Ducal Police

Criminal investigation Department

Traffic police unit (Unité de la police de la route - UPR)

Airport police unit (Unité de la police de l'aéroport - UPA)

Luxembourg police station

Regional directorate "capitale"

Regional traffic police unit (Service régional de police de la route - SRPR) - Capital region

Luxembourg police station - "Site Gare"

Bonnevoie police station

Kirchberg police station

Gare/Hollerich police station

Gasperich police station

Hesperange police station

Limpertsberg police station

Merl/Belair police station

Ville-Haute police station

Esch/Esch-Centre police station

South-West Region Directorate

Regional traffic police unit (Service régional de police de la route - SRPR) south/west region

Belvaux police station

Capellen police station

Differdange police station

Dudelange police station

Police station Kayldall

Käerjeng/Péiteng police station

Porte de l'Ouest police station

Porte du Sud police station

Réiserbann police station - Bettembourg site

Réiserbann police station - Roeser

Diekirch/Vianden police station

North Region Directorate

Regional traffic police unit (Service régional de police de la route - SRPR) - North region

Ardennes police station

Atert police station

Echternach police station

Ettelbruck police station

Ourdall police station

Troisvierges police station

Turelbaach police station

Museldall police station

"Central-East" region directorate

Regional traffic police unit (Service régional de police de la route - SRPR) Central-East region

Ernz police station

Mersch police station

Remich/Mondorf police station

Syrdall police station

Walferdange police station

Service de contrôle et de sanction automatisés (CSA)

Police Museum

Emergency number 113

Police services and units

Crime figures

Last update