The expression "human trafficking" refers to the recruitment, transportation from one location to another in the same or a different country, harbouring or receipt of a person through the threat or use of force or other types of coercion, with the aim of exploiting them for profit (prostitution, forced labour, sale of organs, etc.)
Human trafficking is one of the leading international criminal activities, alongside drug and arms trafficking.
Human trafficking is a criminal offence and is defined in the Luxembourg Criminal Code (Articles 382-1 et seq.). These activities are subject to severe penalties (3 to 10 years' imprisonment and fines of up to €100,000).
If you are a victim of human trafficking or you have witnessed something suspicious that might be human trafficking, please contact the Police:
- By telephone: (+352) 244 60 3220 (working days, 08.00 to 16.00) or 113 (outside office hours)
- By email: traite@police.etat.lu