New "Covid-19"-measures in force

A new "Covid Law" came into force on December 25, 2021, which will apply until February 28, 2022.

In summary, some changes have been made:

A "2G+" CovidCheck system (vaccination or recovery certificate and an on-site SARS-CoV-2 self-test) for people who have not yet received a booster vaccination has been introduced for recreational activities and venues. This means that restaurants and bars (indoors as well as outdoors), among others, are covered by this regulation. Test certificates as the sole entry requirement are no longer permitted.

The closing hours for restaurants and bars have been adjusted to 11.00 pm.

The "2G+" CovidCheck system is also mandatory for gatherings of more than 10 people (except for those who have already received a booster vaccination). Alternatively, the wearing of a mask and a distance of at least 2 metres are possible. These provisions do not apply to private gatherings at home.

The workplace is subject to the "3G" CovidCheck system (vaccination or recovery certificate or valid negative test certificate) from 15 January 2022.

The validity of certified SARS-CoV-2 self-tests has been reduced to 24 hours and that of PCR tests to 48 hours.

Summary of the main provisions

Activities in the hospitality industry

  • The reception of guests in restaurants and bars is subject to the "2G+" CovidCheck regime.  Thus, a certificate of full vaccination or recovery with QR code is mandatory. In addition, guests who meet both conditions are required to take a rapid SARS-CoV-2 antigen test on site, which must be negative. Persons who have already received their booster vaccination are exempt from this requirement.
  • The staff or operator of such a facility is subject to the "3G" CovidCheck regime. Unlike guests, they can rely on a test certificate to gain access to the establishment.
  • Restaurants, bars and cafés must close their doors at 11.00 pm.
  • When applying the CovidCheck regime, the operator of the establishment or the organiser of the gathering or event is required to ask the person presenting him or her an ID card with a vaccination or recovery certificate for identification to ensure that the identity on the certificate presented and the identity on the ID card are identical.
  • In order to facilitate checks under the CovidCheck regime, each operator or organiser may maintain a list of vaccinated or recovered persons if they have regular access to a particular facility or regularly participate in activities or events subject to the CovidCheck regime. Inclusion on this list must be voluntary.
  • Persons younger than twelve years and two months are exempt from providing the required certificates when applying the CovidCheck scheme.
  • Persons with a certificate of contraindication to vaccination must in all cases present their certificate and a certificate of testing or the negative result of a rapid SARS-CoV-2 antigen test carried out on site.

Public and private gatherings

  • Private gatherings at the place of residence of more than 10 people can be pre-registered under the "3G" CovidCheck scheme.
  • Gatherings of 11 to 20 people can be held under the '2G+' CovidCheck scheme (except for people who have received their booster vaccination) or on condition that a distance of 2 metres is maintained between people and a mask is worn.
  • Gatherings with more than 20 to 200 persons are subject to the "2G+" CovidCheck rule (except for persons who have received their booster vaccination) or, alternatively, to the obligation to wear a mask and to be allocated seats with a minimum distance of two metres, except for assemblies held for demonstration purposes, outdoor markets and public transport.
  • Gatherings of more than 200 people are prohibited unless they are the subject of a "health protocol" previously validated by the Directorate of Health.

Sporting and cultural activities

  • Cultural activities are allowed without physical distancing and wearing of masks, provided they are carried out individually or in a group of up to 10 people.
  • For more than 10 persons engaged in a cultural activity at the same time, the "2G+" CovidCheck regime applies (except for persons who have received their booster vaccination).
  • For sporting activities carried out in groups of more than 10 persons, the "2G+" CovidCheck regime is mandatory (except for persons who have received their booster vaccination).

An exception for training exists for:

o Athletes, judges and referees between the ages of 12 years and 2 months and under the age of 19 years who belong to an affiliated club or a recognised sports association;

o athletes and coaches who are bound by an employment contract to an affiliated club or a recognised sports federation and who carry out their activity on a full-time and regular basis, or in general athletes or coaches who are insured as such on a full-time basis under social security.

Further details on this topic can also be found on the website of the Ministry of Health as well as in the relevant law.

Police controls :

As part of the fight against the spread of the virus, the police are monitoring the application of the new legal provisions in force, in particular the Covid Check system and the closing hours for restaurants, bars and cafes.

The police presence has both a preventive and repressive character and is essentially concentrated on the hotel and catering sector and events, particularly during weekends.

Checks on establishments are carried out in a targeted manner as well as in the context of ordinary missions.

Last update