It is obviously difficult to avoid acts of violence perpetrated on you by other people. Nevertheless, it is a good idea to follow these recommendations:
- Get someone to accompany you when you are out in the evening or at night: you will be less likely to be attacked.
- Do not let anyone provoke you and try to defuse the tension in a critical situation. Far better to be seen as a coward than risk being assaulted.
- Avoid sensitive areas and places where there is no-one about.
- If you are going out alone in the evening, tell someone you trust where you are going.
- Keep your mobile phone within easy reach.
- Use a whistle to deter potential attackers. That will give you the advantage of surprise and alert other people to your situation.
- Get bystanders to help by addressing them directly ("You in the blue coat, call the Police!").
- Call 113 in an emergency.