The Cercle de Tir de la Police (CTP) is an official shooting club is linked to the FLTAS - Fédération de Tir aux Armes Sportives Luxembourg. The Cercle de Tir de la Police is the official association of sports shooters of the Luxemburgish Police. It only consists of people who are directly related to the Luxemburgish Police. The CTP participates in various national and international competitions with its Carabine, Pistolet and Shotgun teams.
The following are admitted as members:
- Police personnel on active duty
- Civilian personnel
- Retired police members and civilian personnel
- Police trainees (a certificate from the SALT-ARM certifying a weapons training is required)

Members of the Cercle de Tir may use the shooting ranges of the Société de Tir Hesperange (STH) and the Section de Tir de l'Armée (STA) at the Schmëttenhaff. However, they must respect the internal rules when present at the shooting range.

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