Police station Kayldall5, Place G.D. Charlotte
L-3710 Rumelange
Postal address :
B.P.10 / L-3701 Rumelange
Phone: : (+352) 244 64 1000

This police station is part of the south-west region with headquarters in Esch-sur-Alzette.
- Hours of operation: 07:00 - 21:00 (Monday to Friday) and during specific events
Beyond these hours - during the night, weekends and public holidays - urgent interventions are carried out by a three-shift police station.
- Reception of citizens: 13:00 - 15:00 (Monday to Friday) and by appointment
In order to provide you with a better service, we advise you to make an appointment in advance for all non-urgent cases.
For non-urgent requests, you can also contact the police station by email police.kayldall@police.etat.lu
A number of operations (filing a complaint, reporting a lost object...) can be completed online by using the e-Police Station.
In urgent cases, please call the emergency number 113 immediately!