Swearing-in of the candidates of the 3rd promotion of the C2 career level for police officers

On Monday, 21 February 2022, the swearing-in ceremony of the candidates of the 3rd promotion of the C2 processing group for police officers took place. In the presence of the Minister of internal Security Henri Kox and the Deputy General Director of the Police Donat Donven, 12 candidates took their oath after 1 year of training at the Police school.

The 12 candidates will be directly assigned to the Surveillance and operational support unit (UGAO). In particular, they are going to work in the field of custody and transfer of prisoners.

The ceremony took place at the General Directorate of the Police in accordance with the current Covid-19 measures. During the ceremony, two candidates who ranked as "Best Student" and "Best Sportsman and Shooter" were awarded individually, in addition to their swearing-in ceremony.

The career level C2 for police officers

Recruitment for candidates in processing group C2 is only possible via the Luxembourg Army after at least 3 years of military service.

Applicants for the career group C2 must:

  • have Luxembourgish nationality;
  • provide evidence of knowledge of the three administrative languages:
  • have a personal appearance in keeping with performing the duties and wearing the uniform:

Must have completed:

  • either the "6e" class (2nd year) of classical secondary education;
  • or, in the advanced languages and mathematics stream, the "6e" guidance class (2nd year) or, in the general basic stream, the "5e" determination class (3rd year) of general secondary education;
  • or one year of initial vocational training leading to the degree of professional ability (diplôme d'aptitude professionnelle - DAP);
  • Have completed by the start date of their training at the Police school (École de police - EP) at least 36 months of voluntary service in the Army;
  • Have reached at least the rank of "soldat-chef".


After their military service, the trainee officers of the C2 career group undergo a 12-month basic professional training at the Police Academy, consisting of a theoretical and practical training phase.

During this basic professional training, the various units undergo practical observation periods.

#MirSichenDech - Swearing-in ceremony of 12 new police officers

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