Road safety campaign 2022 with a focus on distraction while driving

From 1 to 30 June 2022, the police will be carrying out controls specifically focused on distracted driving in order to raise awareness and reduce road accidents.

Distraction while driving

Distracted driving is one of the primary causes of traffic accidents. Texting, but also the use of applications or social media places considerable demands on the driver's capacity to pay attention. Indeed, the smartphone diverts the driver's attention visually, audibly, physically and cognitively.

For this reason, the use of a mobile phone by the driver of a moving vehicle is regulated by article 170bis of the "Code de la route". Road users who do not comply with these provisions risk fines of €145 and the loss of 2 points.

However, not only the use of mobile phones, but also the lighting of cigarettes, the manipulation of the on-board instruments or the navigation system and even conversations with a hands-free kit are sources of distraction. In this context, we offer a wide range of information and safety tips on our website.

Distraction does not only affect car drivers. Other road users, such as motorcyclists, cyclists and pedestrians, can also be affected.

In an effort to inform and raise awareness, practical tips and information on distracted driving will also be posted on the Police's social networks in the coming days.

On-board documents

As is customary during traffic controls, vehicle documents will also be checked in the context of this campaign. As a reminder, drivers must have and be able to present the following documents:

  • Driving licence or apprenticeship certificate
  • Probationary certificate (if applicable)
  • Vehicle insurance certificate
  • Vehicle registration certificate
  • Latest technical inspection certificate (if applicable)
  • Tax receipt
  • Certificate of conformity/certified copy by the SNCA (for all vehicles registered from 1 February 2016)

With the exception of the certificate of conformity, all documents must be presented in their original version.

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