Questions relating to violations (claims, payments, stopping and parking)

I would like to pay a fine by bank transfer. What are the BIC code and bank details for the Grand-Ducal Police account?

BIC code/bank details :

  • IBAN LU51 0019 6055 8045 8000 Code BIC/SWIFT: BCEELULL
  • Beneficiary name: Police Grand-Ducale

When making the payment, the reference number of the fine and the vehicle registration plate number must be stated.

Parking fines can also be paid on, providing the reference number of the fine, the registration plate number and your email address. The amount payable will be stated and confirmation of payment will be sent by email.

What is the time frame for paying a fine?

If the fine is paid within 45 days of notification of the offence, all proceedings will cease.

I have lost the fine/reminder. How can I pay it?

You can contact the Police National fine service (Service national des avertissements taxés - SNAT), which will give you the information you need for payment (reference number, account number, etc.).

A fine has been paid twice.

In principle, the second payment will be automatically returned to the payer's account. You can find out more from the National fine service (Service national des avertissements taxés - SNAT).

If the money has been paid by postal transfer, it will be returned in the form of a bearer cheque sent to the address provided. In this instance, Post Luxembourg will charge a fee (currently €10).

Can I pay my fines using down payments or monthly instalments?

No, we cannot accept down payments. If you are unable to pay within the prescribed time frame, a penalty notice will be issued automatically.

I don't have a bank account in Luxembourg; how can I pay?

You may pay your fines in cash (and possibly by credit card) at any police station. You may also pay by international transfer from a foreign bank (bank to bank transfer). Cheques or transfer order forms from a foreign bank sent to us by post will not be accepted.

Can I pay my fines by posting a signed bank cheque or transfer order to the Police directorate?

We cannot accept cheques or transfer order forms from a foreign bank sent to us by post as payment of a fine for a violation of road traffic legislation. However, you may pay by international transfer from a foreign bank (bank to bank transfer). You may also pay your fines in cash (and possibly by credit card) at any police station.

I have received a reminder for a violation after I lent my car to a friend.

The owner or holder of the vehicle is liable to pay the fine, unless they can provide information enabling the perpetrator of the offence to be identified. If the vehicle has been leased to a third party, they are liable for the same obligation.

I have sold my car but I am still receiving reminders.

The reminder is addressed to the last owner/holder of the vehicle listed on the register at the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Infrastructure (Ministère du Développement durable et des Infrastructures).

When a road vehicle registered in Luxembourg is transferred, sold, exported, destroyed or temporarily deregistered, the owner or holder of the vehicle in question must inform the National vehicle testing centre (Société Nationale de Contrôle Technique - SNCT) within 5 working days, by completing and signing the downloadable vehicle deregistration declaration form. This can be sent either by registered letter to the SNCT or by hand delivering, against acknowledgement of receipt, to the reception desk of a vehicle testing centre.

I have received a reminder for a fine but I didn't receive the original.

If your vehicle was at the stated location at the time in question, the ticket may have been taken by a passer-by or a gust of wind.

If you believe your car could not possibly have triggered this process, you can dispute it by sending a letter to the National fine service (Service national des avertissements taxés - SNAT).

I refuse to pay a fine.

If you refuse to pay, pursuant to article 15 of the Law of 14 February 1955 regulating traffic on all public roads, a penalty notice will be issued, which will give you the opportunity to put forward your arguments to the competent judicial authorities.

I am not resident in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and I did not agree to pay the fine issued by the police officer at the scene of the offence.

When a driver whose normal place of residence is not in Luxembourg, does not want to (or cannot) pay a fine, the officer who issued the fine has the right to immobilise the vehicle on the public road and even impound it. The offender must pay a sum to cover the fine and any possible legal fees. This sum must be paid in cash and under no circumstances may it be postponed to a later date.

The Police stopped me for speeding. The police officer refused to provide a photograph as evidence.

Police officers use speed cameras that measure speed using laser technology. The speed gun records the data measured. The National certification and approval service (Service national de certification et d'homologation - SNCH) approves the different types of speed gun. The way the speed cameras are designed and operated make it impossible to tamper with them and influence the values measured. The Luxembourg Highway Code makes no provision for photographic evidence for these types of mobile speed camera.

How do you dispute a fine?

If you wish to dispute a fine, you may first contact the police station or officer who issued the notification, or send your dispute in writing to the Central general law enforcement directorate (Direction centrale police administrative - DCPA), National fine service (Service national des avertissements taxés - SNAT), L-2957 Luxembourg.

I have had points deducted from my driving licence; when will I have my initial balance of 12 points restored?

You will be entitled to have the full 12 points restored if for 3 consecutive years you do not commit a new offence resulting in points being deducted. This period begins either on the date the last conviction for such an offence became irrevocable, or on the date you paid the last fine for such an offence.

After spending some time abroad, I have found a fine for a traffic offence in my post from a foreign police force. How did they get my personal data?

Luxembourg has entered into agreements with several European countries, including our neighbours, providing for the mutual exchange between police forces of the details of registration plate holders.

I have just received a fine from the German Police for speeding a while ago in Germany. They're asking me to pay a fine and have told me I am at risk of having my licence seized. As a result, I have to send them my Luxembourg driving licence. What should I do?

Directive 2011/82/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 October 2011 facilitating the cross-border exchange of information on road safety related traffic offences, transposed in Luxembourg by the Law of 19 December 2014, applies here. These legal grounds provide for the reciprocal exchange of information between Member States in relation to vehicle registration data for various traffic offences. Under this legislation, any Member State may obtain details of the owner of a European vehicle, with a view to sending them a fine or penalty notice.

Fine: the Grand-Ducal Police strongly advises offenders to pay fines incurred abroad as soon as possible.

Licence seized by another Member State: Any Member State may impose a driving ban (judicial or administrative) on its territory, however it may not "physically" seize a foreign driving licence. Where necessary, the offender should contact the foreign authority.

I hold a Luxembourg driving licence and was stopped in an EU country, with my licence seized immediately there and then. Am I allowed to drive in Luxembourg?

As no provision has yet been made at EU level for seizing a licence, this seizure is not enforceable in Luxembourg. Only seizures of licences by Luxembourg authorities are monitored and enforced by the Grand-Ducal Police. However, the Luxembourg Highway Code stipulates that a fine of €24 must be paid for failure to show a valid driving licence.

The Police returned the money I had paid/transferred because...
  • I forgot to state the reference number of the fine.
  • I paid the wrong amount.
  • the fine had already been paid.

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