Taijutsu is a traditional martial art and form of self-defence based on karate and jiu-jitsu techniques.
Using the body's natural weapons (fists, feet, elbows) to strike the opponent's weak spots plays a very important role. This is usually followed by a counter-attack technique and can also neutralise a throw or hold. The moves must be executed with great care, agility and speed, to deflect the opponent's attack by creating space from them. The first atemi - a blow or strike to the body - dealt at the start of the counter-attack triggers a reaction that leads to a sequence. An attack can be repelled by a certain number of defensive manoeuvres. Taijutsu practitioners choose which to use depending on their preference, physique and personal experience.
The principles are:
- strive for maximum efficiency.
- avoid danger when defending an attack.
- never face your opponent head-on.
- understand atemis and the best places to land them.
- always proportionately defend an attack.
- training must mirror a real fight.
- always remain in control of yourself.
A profound respect for life should ensure that practitioners have complete control of their techniques and therefore act as an example.
The TAIJITSU RYÛ club is recognised by the Luxembourg Martial Arts Federation (FLAM). Practitioners can progress through the various grades (from white belt to black belt) up to specialist training qualifying them as official federal or State instructors.