The Central directorate for resources and competences (Direction centrale "ressources et compétences - DCRC) is responsible for strategic and conceptual management of:
- human resources;
- training;
- finance;
- management of Police logistical and IT resources.
The following bodies come under the DCRC:
"Human resources" is in charge of recruiting police and civilian personnel, career management for all personnel and promoting personnel welfare. It also takes charge of disciplinary matters and is responsible for the organisational details of international missions involving members of the Police service.
"Training" is concerned with devising and providing the basic training for recruits on career paths B1 and C1 or C2 and continuous training for all Police personnel.
The Police school is attached to the "Training" department.
The Finance department is responsible for the preparation, management and implementation of the Police budget and prepares the documentation and specifications for all procurement contracts for goods and services supplied to the Police.
The "Logistics" department is in charge of the procurement, management and maintenance of machines, furniture and equipment for the Police, apart from the ICT infrastructure. It is also responsible for the planning and management of buildings and premises.
The "Police technologies" department is in charge of the management of services and equipment for information and communication technology (ICT) and the coordination, development and roll-out of the various ICT projects.