An alarm system is one of the most effective ways of preventing burglaries. In most cases, burglars avoid houses with alarm systems.
However, it is important that the system is well designed and activated even for short absences.
An alarm system can easily be installed by a specialist company. For new buildings, a wired alarm system can be provided, while existing buildings are normally fitted with a wireless alarm system.
The alarm system can be programmed individually for each unit and its occupants, and should include the following components:
- Alarm unit with indoor siren;
- Outdoor siren on the front of the building (clearly visible);
- Alarm transmitter (GSM module);
- Magnetic switches (window, door, garage);
- Motion sensor;
- Glass break detector;
- Smoke detector.
Motion sensors can be fitted with cameras, enabling the occupants to monitor their home remotely by smartphone. Generally, it is important for an audible signal to be triggered when a burglary is attempted.
Through telephone transmission of the alarm, the homeowner, a trusted person or a security company can be notified if the alarm is triggered when the occupants are not at home. When the occupants are inside the home, the system can be partially activated so they can move around freely.

Ask the Police for advice
Given the huge range of different alarm systems, it is important to seek advice before purchasing and installing an alarm.
You can obtain information free of charge from the Police National crime prevention service (Service national de prévention de la criminalité - SNPC). By appointment, SNPC officers can also visit you to identify the vulnerable points in your home and offer personalised advice. The SNPC can be contacted on (+352) 244 24 4033 or by email at prevention@police.etat.lu.