Cyclists must ensure that the equipment on their bikes meets the requirements of the Luxembourg Highway Code. This applies not only to conventional cycles, but also to pedal assist and other electric cycles.
The following equipment is not only compulsory, but contributes to the cyclist's safety.
- A bell audible from at least 50 metres away (Art. 38 of the Luxembourg Highway Code).
- Two brakes operating independently of one another, mounted on the left and right sides of the handlebars or one brake on the handlebars and a back pedal brake (Art. 32).
- Front: a white or yellow light rated at least 10 lux (Art. 43 bis).
- On the spokes of both wheels, either at least 2 white or yellow reflectors, mounted back to back, or tyres with white or yellow reflective sidewalls (Art. 43 bis).
- On both pedals: white or yellow rear reflectors (Art. 43 bis)
- Rear: a red reflector (Art. 43 bis)
- Rear: a red light rated at least 10 lux (Art. 43 bis).
These requirements do not only apply to children's cycles: cyclists riding a bike that is not equipped with these seven items risk a fine of between €49 and €74 (cycles designed for sport or competition and used for racing or training are exempt from these requirements).
Although there were is no legal obligation to wear a cycle helmet, it is recommended by the Police. It must be fastened with straps and not interfere with your cycling. It must not cover your ears, so you can hear the sounds around you. For the same reason, wearing headphones is strongly discouraged.
Like motorcyclists, cyclists are also more vulnerable in an accident. It is therefore essential that cyclists ride calmly and carefully and that they abide by the Luxembourg Highway Code.
Other Police guidelines
- Be visible: wear a visibility vest and use your lights.
- Check the general condition of your bike, and the brakes in particular.
- Use hand signals, in plenty of time, to indicate when you are changing lanes or turning.
- Obey traffic signs and road markings as well as the rules of the Luxembourg Highway Code.
- Do not insist on your right of way; give way to less vulnerable road users.
- Never position yourself at the side of a lorry or bus as their drivers may not be able to see you.
- Also think about other road users and expect them to make mistakes.
- If you are cycling on the road, use the right-hand lane.
- If you are pushing your bike, you must use the pavement or the right-hand lane if there is no pavement.
- If there is a cycle lane, use it.
- Children may cycle on the public highway from the age of 6 if accompanied by a person aged 15 or over.
- From the age of 10, a child may cycle alone on the public highway.
- Up to the age of 13, children may use the pavement in parks, residential areas and pedestrian areas.
- Do not drink too much alcohol, as the limits and penalties are the same as for any other driver.
- Be particularly careful of blasts of air from passing lorries or buses.
- Keep right, especially in bends.
- Do not cycle between two rows of cars and pay attention to car doors, which can be opened at any moment.
There are many vehicles that are considered by the Luxembourg Highway Code as "cycles" and which are therefore subject to the same regulations as conventional cycles (e.g. pedal assist cycles, electric cycles).
Basically, a cycle is defined as "a vehicle with at least two wheels propelled exclusively by the muscle power of the person on the vehicle, in particular by pedals or hand cranks.
Electric bikes (maximum speed by construction of 25 km/h and motor power not exceeding 0.5 kW) and pedal assist bikes (maximum power 0.25 kW and power cut off when the bike reaches 25 km/h) are generally classed as cycles, with electric scooters also in the same category. It follows that the rules and requirements on their equipment and use are the same as for conventional cycles.
However, the Pedelec45 or "s-pedelec" exceeds these limits and is therefore classed as a moped, which means that different rules apply to these vehicles: they are not allowed to use cycle lanes and must be declared to the competent authorities.