Recruitment procedure
The competitive examination for candidates wishing to become senior police officers consists of the following parts:
- a physical fitness test (video);
- standardised and computerised tests:
o a general knowledge test in the form of multiple choice questions on the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and the organisation of the Grand Ducal Police in German and French;
o a language test in French;
o a German language test - psychological aptitude tests comprising psycho-technical tests and a self-descriptive questionnaire, which may be supplemented by one or more situational tests;
- an interview in Luxembourg language to assess the match between the candidate's profile and the specific requirements of the job, expressed in terms of character traits, interests, aptitudes, attitudes and values.
Eligibility criteria for the special examination
To be admissible for the special examination the candidate must:
- have passed the general aptitude test required by Article 5bis of the amended Grand-Ducal Regulation of 30 September 2015, establishing the terms and conditions relating to registering for and organising competitive admission examinations for placements in State administrations and departments;
- have Luxembourgish nationality;
- have a personal appearance in keeping with performing the duties and wearing the uniform. Body modifications such as scarification or incision, branding, stretching and tattoos, whether permanent or temporary, may not indicate membership of any political, trade union or confessional organisation or association, nor may they violate the duties of discretion, loyalty and exemplariness, especially where the body modifications are visible to the public);
- provide a medical certificate from a doctor of their choice, dated within the last two months, certifying that the candidate is fit to take part in the physical fitness test.
Level of education required: Master's degree (BAC +5 years).
Candidates who have passed the special examination will be admitted for placements according to their ranking after the tests and examinations and depending on the number of vacant positions, and following a medical examination, checking of their police record and other background checks and subject to their holding a category B driving licence.
The background checks include the consultation of centrally held records. The main offences committed as an adult that may lead to a candidate being refused admission to the placement are:
- regular drug use;
- a record of physical violence (assault) or psychological abuse (threats, insults);
- resisting a police officer;
- failure to obey the orders of a police officer, avoiding Police checks.
Offences from over 3 years ago, and in some cases 5 (depending on their severity), are not taken into consideration.
The selected candidates undergo 22 months of theoretical and practical police training at the French National Police College (École Nationale Supérieure de la Police - ENSP) at Saint-Cyr-au-Mont-d’Or near Lyon (F).