What has changed in the procedure for recruiting police officers?
Recruitment procedures have been modernised, to make a career in the Police accessible to as many people as possible. The competitive examination procedure has been adapted to align it with the procedures used in most other Luxembourg government departments.
The competitive examination for candidates wishing to join the police force will now comprise 2 stages: a general aptitude test organised by the State centre for human resources and organisation management (Centre de gestion du personnel et de l'organisation de l'État - CGPO), and then the special examination organised by the Police.
This applies to police officers at career levels A1, B1 and C1. Civilian personnel are recruited by the same procedures used in all government departments.
Please note that having aligned police recruitment with the rest of the civil service, career level B1 has been introduced within the Police for candidates with a secondary school leaving diploma.
When will the next round of recruitment take place and where do you register?
The dates for general aptitude tests are regularly updated on the GovJobs portal, which is dedicated exclusively to civil service recruitment. You can also register for the tests on this website, which will redirect you to the MyGuichet.lu portal .
You can also register for the special Police exams via the GovJobs portal.
What happens in the general aptitude test?
The general aptitude test is organised by the State centre for human resources and organisation management (Centre de gestion du personnel et de l'organisation de l'État - CGPO). If you have any specific questions relating to how the general aptitude test is organised, please contact the CGPO:
Tel.: (+352) 247-73210
Email: recrutement@cgpo.etat.lu
For more details and examples of tests, you can also click here !
What happens in the special Police exams?
Once candidates have passed the general aptitude test, they must register for the special examinations organised by the Police. These examinations comprise various tests, including language tests, a psychological test, an interview of approximately 30 minutes in Luxembourgish and a physical fitness test. The difficulty of the examinations varies depending on the career level in question.
What do the language tests in the special examination organised by the Police entail?
The French and German language tests are conducted electronically, with a view to assessing language skills in written comprehension, oral comprehension, grammar, vocabulary and common phrases.
What do the psychological tests in the special examination organised by the Police entail?
The psychological tests last approximately 3-4 hours and are taken electronically, in German. There are tests for logic, personality and aptitude. There is no need for candidates to prepare and there are no knowledge-based questions. However, it is advisable to be calm and relaxed when taking the tests.
What level of physical fitness is required for the special examination organised by the Police?
A physical fitness test is part of the special examination.
Candidates must provide a medical certificate before the physical fitness test, confirming they are fit to take part. Before the candidate can be admitted to Police training, as with other jobs, they must also pass a medical examination with the occupational health practitioner.
You can find more information on the medical examination in:
- Règlement grand-ducal du 29 juillet 2020 déterminant les modalités de recrutement du personnel policier, Chapitre 6 "L'examen médical"
- Règlement grand-ducal du 29 juillet 2020 déterminant les modalités de recrutement du personnel policier, Annexes A et B

Which qualifications do I need if I want to apply for a position with the Police?
An overview of all the different careers and corresponding academic levels is available in our Publications.
Are non-Luxembourg nationals able to join Police Luxembourg?
Luxembourgish nationality is currently mandatory.
On 19 May 2020, the Chamber of Deputies of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg approved a motion enabling the Grand-Ducal Police to recruit people with a nationality from another European Union Member State. However, the exact terms of this measure are still to be determined and the legal framework amended.
I am currently serving in the Army. Am I able to join the Police?
Yes! In fact, future recruits at career level C2 are recruited directly from the Luxembourg Army provided they have completed at least 36 months of national service. For all the details and conditions on this, please refer to our section Recruitment > Police officer > Becoming a police officer at career level C2 .
Otherwise, just like any other person working for any other employer, anyone working for the Army may apply for a position (police or civilian) with the Police. In this instance, the same procedure applies as for anyone else, according to the position and career level in question.
What about tattoos and piercings? I would like to join the Police, what are the requirements for my appearance?
Candidates must have a personal appearance in keeping with performing the duties and wearing the uniform. Body modifications, such as scarification or incision, branding, stretching and tattoos, whether permanent or temporary, may not indicate membership of any political, trade union or confessional organisation or association, nor may they violate the duties of discretion, loyalty and exemplariness, especially where the body modifications are visible to the public.
Do I need a driving licence to be able to apply for a job in the police force?
Recruits at career levels A1 and B1 require a category B driving licence. Recruits at career level C1 do not yet need a driving licence when registering, as they are able to register from 17 years of age.
Is there an age limit for becoming a police officer?
No, there is no maximum age limit, provided the candidate meets all the criteria and requirements.
What happens after I have applied for a position?
Candidates can register on the govjobs.lu platform, which redirects them to myguichet.lu, where the entire application can be submitted electronically and in full security.
Candidates will receive electronic acknowledgement of receipt and they can monitor the status of their application at any time on MyGuichet.lu .
Who should I contact if I have any questions?
Our recruitment team regularly attends job shows and careers fairs. Feel free to visit our stands, where our representatives will be on hand to answer all your questions. Otherwise, if you have any questions, feel free to call or email our Human Resources Department. Here are the contact details:
- Tel.: (+352) 244 24 7200
- Police officer recruitment: drh.examenconcours@police.etat.lu
- Civilian recruitment: drh.recrutement@police.etat.lu