The Surveillance and operational support unit (Unité de garde et d'appui opérationnel - UGAO) is a national service employing around 130 personnel. Many young police officers start their career in this unit, working specifically in the surveillance and transfer of prisoners.
As its name suggests, this unit provides operational support for the other Police units and services.
The UGAO covers the following activities:
Surveillance and protection service:
- Coordination and surveillance for the custody and transfer of prisoners;
- Coordination and surveillance of the external perimeter of the European Convention Center Luxembourg (ECCL) during sessions of the European Council of Ministers;
- Repatriation of persons under arrest warrants.
Surveillance and transfer group:
- Transport of prisoners and convicted persons classified as dangerous;
- Surveillance of hospitalised prisoners/detainees (24/7);
- Returning of applicants seeking international protection (Dublin transfers, return to country of origin, FRONTEX flights);
- Bailiff service to the Luxembourg and Diekirch courts;
- Policing services to the Chamber of Deputies (public sessions);
- Security post at the United States embassy;
- External protection for the ECCL and Château de Senningen;
- Sensitive escorting missions.
Sensitive points surveillance group:
- Security post at the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs;
- Protective patrols for sensitive locations.
Police guard of the Grand-Ducal residences (Service palais):
- Guarding the residences of the Grand-Ducal family (Grand-Ducal Palace, Château de Berg, Château de Fischbach) and control of access to the sites;
- Ceremonial guard duty.
TheDog unit and Air support unit are also part of the UGAO.