The central general law enforcement directorate (direction centrale "police administrative" - DCPA) is responsible for strategic and conceptual management in general law enforcement. Its essential duties entail, in particular:
- defining priority national strategy and objectives for general law enforcement;
- coordinating and supervising implementation of the strategy and global approach for general law enforcement;
- developing general concepts for general law enforcement;
- managing and supervising national services for which the DCPA is responsible.
It is also the point of contact for the Police's external partners in this area at national and international level.
The central general law enforcement directorate (DCPA) comprises:
- the central directorate itself, along with several other services (National lost property service - SNOT, National fine service - SNAT, National road traffic and road safety service - SNCSR, National analysis and coordination service SNAC, National crime prevention service - SNPC);
- The operations department;
- National units:
- The four Police regions:
The operations department comprises:
- The "operations" section: managing and organising the policing aspect of state and/or official visits and other important events; organising and running extraordinary services at national and international level; organising and monitoring planned operations.
- The "risk assessment" section: active research and centralisation of public order-related information.
- The National intervention centre (centre d’intervention national - CIN), which handles all 113 calls. This is a national unit working 24/7 to support regional units in normal situations and pass on any information that patrols may need during their day-to-day duties. It oversees events at national level and also carries out the following tasks:
- communicating with and providing information to all Police services in addition to that provided by the police department;
- implementing and executing any imminent police intervention by the competent units;
- managing and coordinating all large-scale events.
- The e-Police Station can perform certain actions in very specific circumstances;